About Us
Foundation for Advancement of Innovations in Technology and Health, Bangladesh [faith Bangladesh] is a registered not-for profit organization based in Bangladesh which envisions a planet where people living in resource-poor communities will enjoy advancement of innovations relating to health and technology.
Our Values
Integrity - We are a responsible and accountable organization, committed to the highest standards of manners.
Creativity - We are driven by creative thoughts in every aspect of organization.
Excellence - We are single-minded in our pursuit of service, research and training empowered by innovative technologies.
What we do?
- Advance innovative Technology
- Provide health related Services
- Offer Education and Training
- Conduct health Research
Faith Bangladesh supports innovative solutions to improve the health and livelihoods of people living in resource-poor communities in Bangladesh and beyond.
We envision a planet where all people have access to comprehensive healthcare services delivered by competent and compassionate health professionals with appropriate means and technology.
We research and build partnerships to support innovative solutions, including products, trainings and technologies, that improve the health and livelihood of people living in resource-poor communities in Bangladesh and beyond.